
IE6 Countdown

Posted by David Bushell

IE6 Countdown - 10 years ago a browser was born. Microsoft release a campaign to eradicate the world of Internet Explorer 6, including global statistics, and a sly effort to upgrade to IE8/9.

This website is dedicated to watching Internet Explorer 6 usage drop to less than 1% worldwide, so more websites can choose to drop support for Internet Explorer 6, saving hours of work for web developers.

Microsoft has been behind the times for a long time, which makes this campaign all the more sincere. Although at heart this is an advertisement, it's a very positive move by the Internet Explorer team, and a sign that Microsoft is on the ball once again.

A little too late? We'll see.

For more informative see the Windows blog.

We know that many IE6 users are on the older browser because it’s at their workplace. We’ve put together some resources for IT pros to help understand the business value of moving off IE6 and are delivering to them the tools to help them navigate the process.